
         As an advanced chemistry lab at Lox company, our primary duties are to measure and evaluate the quality of various products 

Dr. Omed Qadir Ameen

Chemical Testing

As an advanced chemistry lab at Lox company, our primary duties are to measure and evaluate the quality of various products including, materials, foods, detergents, drugs, cosmetics, fruits and vegetables, and soil regarding to specific local and international standard procedures.

The most important facet of quality control is a set of written directives describing the relevant laboratory-specific, technique-specific, sample-specific, method-specific, and protocol-specific operations. As we have considered all of them seriously to provide better health and safest environmental conditions to our society. 

As a quality control company, we understand that professionals in high accuracy and precision data required advanced instruments in addition to the professional staff and controlled environment.  Sophisticated instruments were carefully provided to our labs including.

  • HPLC Ultimate 3000
  • Thermo Scientific iCAP 7000 Series  ICP-OES
  • XRF X-MET 8000 (Oxford)
  • DA 7250 At-line NIR Instrument (Food Analyzer Perten USA)
  • FTIR-IRAffinity-1S
  • Funke Gerber (centrifuge)
  • Ion selective Electrodes (Nitrate, Nitrite, Ca, Oxygen, Nitrogen oxide, Fluoride, Bromide, and Carbon dioxide)
  • Microwave digestion system
  • Moisture Balance 
  • Behr Distilition,  Behrotest Titration. DIT50 & Digest behrotest (set packet)
  • UV Double Beam Spectroscopy 
  • Refractometer